


LF-135 / Infant Phototherapy Equipment 【Green light Bed】

HomeProductsLF-135 / Infant Phototherapy Equipment 【Green light Bed】
Infant Phototherapy Equipment Green light Bed LF-135

Anytime mothers can check their baby’s expression

Green Light Bed LF-135 is a bed-type phototherapy device that does not require an eye mask. Mothers can check their baby’s expression at any time. It also features a cute, small and rounded design.


  • No eye mask required

    LF-135 is a bed type phototherapy device so babies do not need eye masks. New mothers can check their baby’s expression at any time. It can be used with newborn beds from various companies, so it can also be used when a mother and her baby are in the same room.
  • Babywear for phototherapy

    Babies during treatment wear special baby clothes. Their materials that are baby-friendly and gentle on mothers, too.
  • Gentle green light

    LF-135 uses safe enhanced green light that does not include wavelengths of 400 to 450 nm because it is said that 400 to 450 nm light causes DNA rupture.
  • High therapeutic effect

    Because green light efficiently produces (EZ)-cyclobilirubin through structural isomerization reaction, it is highly effective in lowering bilirubin levels. In addition, there is little rebound of (ZZ) bilirubin from (EZ)-cyclobilirubin.

Customer feedback

  • Very easy preparation

    Unlike the top-illuminated type used in incubators, it saves time in preparation and cleanup.

  • Cute looking!

    The design looks cute, and the baby clothes are cute in yellow and pink.

  • No need of eye mask

    An eye mask is required during treatment with top-irradiation type device, which often puts a mental burden on the mothers, but since an eye mask is not required, it can be used with peace of mind.


Product spec
  • Medical device approval number or certification number:301AFBZX00005000
  • Product Code:EA4601
  • Dimension/weight
    690mm(W)×211mm(H)×351mm(D) 10kg
Standard accessories Babywear(yellow&pink), Fall prevention belt(yellow&pink)、Net frame、Filter, Power supply cable





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