To our valued customers:

Toitu is a medical equipment manufacturer who specializes in OB/GYN products and started its business with the sales of Colposcope in 1958.
Ever since its foundation, we have been working on developing new products such as Suction Unit, Doppler Fetus Detector, Fetal Monitor and Central Station used in OB/GYN Department and continuing our efforts to provide attractive products which meet the needs of medical practice by advancing collaborative research with doctors and their staff members. In addition, we provide perinatal management system by working hand-in-hand with them since the medical information is getting more and more important in current medical practice.
OB/GYN Department targets at treating various maladies such as perinatal, female infertility, tumors and menopause and has a broad range of areas supporting women’s entire lives.
We keep on growing as “GB/GYN professionals” to make proper suggestions on equipments and systems needed for wide variety of medical practice and do proper repairs and maintenance by utilizing our longstanding relationship of trust with our OB/GYN customers and know-how we have acquired for over 65 years.