
Founded in Tokyo as TOITU OPTO-ELECTRO CO., LTD. 
Started production and distribution of Monocular Colposcope as its first product.
Founded in Kawasaki TOITU KOGYO CO.. LTD., as R&D and manufacturing division of  ME instrument for OB/GYN.
Set up Toitu Kogyo's factory branch in Kawasaki for exclusive production of OB/GYN Suction Units.
1969 Changed company's name to present TOITU CO., LTD.
New bui[ding of Toitu Kogyo was completed at present address of Yokohama factory. 
All functions of Kawasaki and branch factories moved to new building by adding R&D and production of pediatric and new born ME instrument to OB/GYN's.
1981 Toitu head ofnce building was completed at present address.
Set up Toitu Shanghai Service Center, Shanghai, China 
Toitu Fetal Actocardiograph MT-320 was awarded by Kanagawa 
Prefecture Government for its excellent technology. 
Unification of Toitu Co., Ltd. And Toitu Kogyo Co.. Ltd. to new company "TOITU CO., LTD."
1992 Capital increase to J.150 million 
Yokohama factory was appointed as an example for minor factories by Kanagawa Prefecture Government.
Certified with ISO9001/EN46001 compliance. 
2003 Certified with ISO9001:2000/ISO1385:1998 compliance.
2008 Certified with ISO9001:2000/ISO13485:2003 compliance. 
Certified with ISO9001:2008 compliance Tsunashima factory was rebuilt.
2018 Certified with ISO9001:2015/ISO13485:2016/EN ISO13485:2016 compliance.